Thursday, February 4, 2010

tips on how to draw a car

If you are looking for tips on how to draw a car then you may have come to the right place i think.
The big secret to learning how to draw a car is to make sure you see the car for the whole car that it is.
it is all about making sure you understand the shapes that are invloved and then break it down form there.
once you get the hang of breaking down the shapes you will realis it is actully quite easy to draw cars.
they run in obvious shapes and become clear once you know whats going on.
seriously it is easy shit and you will love once you have the ability to whip up a great drawing of a immaculate car any time you like.

so yes you have to follow the course set out in this squidoo lense and before you know it will be themaster of the car draw.
im talking the master of the car draw here.

so like i said learn how to draw a car from the best in the business and follow this link now :

learn how to draw a car